
Warwick Goble: Subdued Stories

21:10 / BY Lavina
I tried out the new cotton rag paper I'd purchased a few ago from Paperchase, using the Arthur Rackham that I've been recently toying with. This inking technique sure is growing on me; could it be I've found my distinctive style? *o* I love how the style forces me to practice drawing, which has always been more of my forte than painting. It's a very familiar style, in other words, so I'll see if it...

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Derwent Inktense Blocks Review

23:10 / BY Lavina
Merry Christmas, everyone! :D I hope you and your families are blessed with love and happiness this season. I've been working on a piece and review for some time now, and I can finally share it with you, and in time for Christmas Day too, haha! Dewfairies at Work Ink and watercolor on illustration board 38.4 x 25.7 cm I recently acquired a set of twelve Derwent Inktense blocks through the generosity of Times Trading Inc.,...

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Clovers and Cotton

01:44 / BY Lavina
My dad is a regular business traveler, and he always makes it a point to bring me back something cute or pretty, like a small figurine, or bookmark. On one of his most recent trips to Korea, he got me a lovely metallic bookmark in the shape of a four-leaf clover.  The 'leaves' look like wings. Inspiration! The bookmark was packaged along with a short description of the history of the four-leaf clover; apparently, even...

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The Carnation's Caper

22:07 / BY Lavina
The Carnation's Caper Watercolor on paper 29.7 x 21.0 cm This is one of my favorite paintings from the exhibit. I'm particularly proud of the way I painted the background; I was experimenting with gradients, and I thought a merging (interchanging?) effect would make a nice change from my usual background, i.e. emptiness haha. This is also the painting I placed on my calling card. The card is quite simple compared to other artists' calling...

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Orchid Blooms

21:23 / BY Lavina
Orchid BloomsWatercolor and acrylic on paper29.7 x 21.0 cm I nearly gave up on this painting; firstly, I didn't know what to do with the background, and secondly, the paper was irritatingly difficult to work with - it absorbed water and paint too fast, creating ugly splotches here and there :\ Good thing I was able to salvage the painting with acrylic paint; acrylic paint seems to have a consistency that watercolor paint lacks. Or...

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New Domain

16:29 / BY Lavina
Hello everyone! I finally purchased a custom domain for my art blog, so please modify your links to: www.lavinamarie.com The .blogspot address will automatically redirect to the new domain, but please do change your links, as I'll be implementing some design changes to my site over (hopefully) the next couple of days. :) Thank you, and have a great day! ...

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Under My Wing

22:04 / BY Lavina
Under My Wing Watercolor on paper 29.7 x 21.0 cm This was the highlight of the paintings I submitted for ManilART, and is by far the most detailed watercolor painting I've done. All those TWIGS. -_- Amazingly, it took me just a little over a week to finish this. At first, I was hesitant to stray from my general theme of flower fairies, but at that time, I had already run out of ideas, so...

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ManilART 2012

21:35 / BY Lavina
With a few of mine and Valerie Chua's paintings, at ManilART I can't even begin to describe ManilART. I mentioned in my previous post that I was participating in this prestigious event, and now that the event is over, I still can't believe I was part of it at all. ManilART is the biggest art event of the year, a chance for leading art galleries in the Philippines to come together and showcase their prized...

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Win Tickets to ManilART

11:46 / BY Lavina
It's time to reveal what I've been busy with over the past few months. Readers, I'm thrilled to tell you that a week from now, I will be participating in my first ever art exhibit, namely ManilART, the nation's largest annual art exhibit. *squeal* ManilART is the biggest and hottest contemporary art fair in the Philippines; this year, it will be hosting its fourth exhibition, from October 2 to 6, at the SMX Convention Center,...

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10:44 / BY Lavina
Hello, most wonderful world. I'm preparing for something great, and I can't wait for the time when I can share it with you, which will come soon enough. Until then, do take care! ♥ ...

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Marion's Rest

07:59 / BY Lavina
Marion's Rest Watercolor and ink on paper 29.7 x 21.0 cm (Credits for model: Falln-Stock) This drawing sure took some work, and I'm happy with the result, I feel like I want to write a story to go along with it, haha! I used Derwent watercolor pencils for color, and a Uni Pin water- and fade-proof pigment ink pen. The pen is absolutely fantastic, and definitely worth the price (P65.50 or $1.6 in National Bookstore). It doesn't...

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14:04 / BY Lavina
My maternal grandmother is a creative old soul always seeking to express herself in one way or the other. It was her brilliant idea for us to make personalized stationery out of the scrapbook stuffs we have sitting around the house, gathering dust. At first, she thought of making simple all-purpose cards, but I thought maybe we could expand our craft to include other stationery items, since I've always wanted to try making notebooks, inspired...

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Arthur Rackham: Tales of the Folk

12:37 / BY Lavina
I've always been fascinated with old-style fairytale illustrations, the kind you'll find in Enid Blyton books - lovely pictures of the folk dabbed with touches of color and lined delicately with ink. I was leafing through my beloved Fairy Art book last night when I was reacquainted with this particular style of art, particularly in the paintings of 19th century artist Arthur Rackham, who illustrated for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1907) and Fairy Tales of the Grimm Brothers...

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10:30 / BY Lavina
Lull Watercolor on paper 20 x 15 cm I've decided to name this series of tiny paintings, 'Flories', short for flora fairies. :3 This is the second one I've done so far, and I'd be really happy with it if it weren't for the bad scan -   for some reason my scanner emphasizes the texture of the watercolor paper. I'm thinking of hunting for hot-pressed paper, which is supposed to be much smoother than...

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Five Winks

18:01 / BY Lavina
Five Winks Watercolor on paper 5 x 4 in Note to self: never use black for a soft image; it ruins everything :|  I randomly decided to do this small painting, and, for once, with no references - I'm so proud of myself, haha! I can pinpoint a whole bunch of mistakes, though, but I guess that's all part of the learning process. Someone once told me that I should paint more from imagination like...

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Our Mother Spring

04:53 / BY Lavina
Our Mother Spring Watercolor on paper 29.7 x 21.0 cm (Credits for references: AmethystDreams1987, faestock, nettle-tea) In line with trying out illustration styles, I came up with this painting. I altered the way I paint hair, and painted birds for the first time in my life - so pardon me if they look strange. Here are some WIP shots: I had fish in the original sketch instead of birds, but I scrapped them after some...

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OTC 2; New Classics

02:33 / BY Lavina
Day 2 of my One Thing Challenge (does it count if it's not daily?); I did this while watching CSI: NY... I kinda like how the side-view turned out, although I know I have much to work on.  In other news, I must share what I found in Kinokuniya the other day: an edition of Pride and Prejudice with a hand-painted cover design: Back cover, with a quote from Mr. Darcy; everything is just so pretty! Sterling Publishing...

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Calla Lilies and Pencils

23:51 / BY Lavina
Calla's MorningWatercolor on paper29.7 x 21.0 cm(Credits for model: inspyretash-stock) As a graduation gift, I was given a 72-set of Derwent watercolor pencils, and I love them soo much!! I used them for the painting above, and they couldn't have worked better with the Daler-Rowney Langton paper. The colors are so amazing, and the paper absorbs them nicely. It's very ironic that I've taken to watercolor painting now, especially since I spent a good portion...

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OTC 1; New Techniques

15:44 / BY Lavina
So this is the first attempt of the One Thing Challenge I mentioned in my previous post. I'm so ashamed of it, haha!  I can never get those facial proportions right. Whenever I draw faces from imagination, they always come out cartoony somewhat. I used to doodle such cartoon faces back in high school, and in college for a while, on my planner. Who knows, this could be my one thing, but, being partial to...

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One Thing Challenge

22:23 / BY Lavina
Intermission between Chapter Senior Life and Chapter Graduation Day: summer vacation and the listlessness that inevitably blankets this time lag that otherwise calls for partying, exploring islands, or some other exciting adventure-like thing. As for me, I am spending this time quite contentedly with the loving family back in the sandlands where I grew up - Dubai - and I've been doing the same routine every day: sleep, eat, watch my baby niece, play Persona...

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20:51 / BY Lavina
I present to you, Baht, Boots, and Gandhi: the first book that I illustrated for, and that was just launched last Thursday! :D Quick backstory: last year, over one of our lunches, my aunt mentioned that she and her two friends were bent on compiling a series of travel essays, and publishing it in book form. Half-jokingly, I asked if I could illustrate for it, and she said yes. It was only months later, in December, that I...

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