
Marion's Rest

by - 07:59

Marion's Rest
Watercolor and ink on paper
29.7 x 21.0 cm
(Credits for model: Falln-Stock)

This drawing sure took some work, and I'm happy with the result, I feel like I want to write a story to go along with it, haha!

I used Derwent watercolor pencils for color, and a Uni Pin water- and fade-proof pigment ink pen. The pen is absolutely fantastic, and definitely worth the price (P65.50 or $1.6 in National Bookstore). It doesn't bleed at all, and the ink only becomes blacker under water.

It's a challenge doing ink line art; I was afraid for the most part that any single line out of place would effectively ruin the picture, especially when I was drawing the fairy's facial features. At one point, I even used the wrong pen, which was not waterproof, so I sat squealing for a good while as I watched the ink bleed past the point of salvation. Thankfully I was able to switch pens before the entire picture became a disaster.

You can see the ink I murdered in about this entire portion of the picture :))

I wasn't really consistent with my method for the picture; some parts I did the line art first before adding paint washes, others I painted first and then outlined. There were times I mulled over the number of lines a particular segment of the image might need, but I mostly winged (wung?) it. I had the most fun inking the trees in the background, because they turned out much better than I expected.

This is a looong overdue post; I finished this drawing weeks ago. I've been so busy with my new job as a content writer, which takes up most of my time. It's so taxing, but definitely fun; I learn new stuff everyday! 

Also, there's been that terrible monsoon hitting the Philippines for the past week. Thankfully, our house is set up on a pretty high plane, but gosh, most of Luzon just disappeared under water. ;_; I kept crying as I watched the news, but thank God the rains stopped for now. On a side note, my alma mater, UA&P, became a trending topic on Twitter, for its galant efforts to provide relief to those affected by the monsoon. I'm so proud of those Dragons. I'm proud of everyone, really, striving to protect the Filipino through literal hell and high water.

I hope to blog again soon, there's something I've been working on for a while now, but I can't show it until it's sure and ready. Until then, take care. ♥

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