Hi, everyone! I created a Facebook page for my art, so if you have the time, please do drop by and take a peek. I'll be posting updates there, including works-in-progress. The official link to the page is: https://www.facebook.com/lavinamarieart Thanks again, and hope to see you there! ♥ ...
AcuzarWatercolor on paper I thought I'd give painting houses a try, just to play around with different painting techniques. This is a relatively small painting, referenced off a photo I took of an old house at Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar (read the post here). It was quite perfect for practicing painting shadows and foliage. I had no idea what I was doing half the time, but I loved every minute of it. I think...
Capriciously Creative
13:44 / BY Lavina
I haven't been updating as often as I once promised I would, only because I've been thoroughly enjoying my new job. The work, the environment, and the people are just absolutely fantastic. I'm actually of value there -- and it's not every day that I can admit something as profound as that. I have been, however, working on paintings, though sporadically, just to keep the creative juice (what little I have of it) flowing. If you...
I had a rare and random creative burst last night, and this experiment with Photoshop was the result. Because I had nothing to do, and because tea is awesome. Plus, I wanted to see if my tablet was still functional (the poor thing had been sitting in the dark for months), and it was, yay! What do you guys think? :) ...
I had my doubts as to whether I could teach basic watercolor painting - major doubts; I was a nervous wreck during my preparations - but my watercolor workshop turned out even better than I had dared hope. Clockwise from left: Lian, Alan, my Tita Gina, Patt, and Ray Only five of the fifteen slots were filled, which actually made things a whole lot more fun and manageable. I was able to work with the...
Hello everyone, I'm sorry, I have bad news :( The watercolor workshop that I was to conduct on February 23, 2013, is now cancelled, due to unforeseen events on the part of the organizing body. The one this Saturday, however, January 26, is still open. I apologize especially to those who were looking to sign up for the second workshop. I just hope I'll be able to conduct another later on to make up for...
Figure Drawing
17:11 / BY Lavina
I may be quite the copier in terms of drawing, but I've never completely grasped the concept of human anatomy so much that I wouldn't need to copy at all (due to lack of any sort of formal education in such) - which is why I jumped at the opportunity to attend a formal figure drawing workshop here in Manila. Poster for Figure Drawn The workshop, simply entitled 'Figure Drawn' was held last week at...
Probably on account of my childhood fondness for Polly Pocket, I've developed an affinity for all things miniature: miniature furniture, miniature dolls; but what really drives me over the edge and into the sea of kiddish delight... is miniature food. My small but growing collection I only came to know and love miniature food - that is, food that looks real but is made out of clay or other similar material, and is TINY -...
Hello everyone! This may seem rather sudden, but I'll be conducting a basic watercolor workshop this month and next: The workshop will facilitate the instruction and use of Derwent Inktense Blocks in basic watercolor painting. I'll be teaching participants to know and understand colors and tones, as well as to paint subjects hands-on using techniques and exercises that are fundamental for effective watercolor painting. It's gonna be fun! :D There will be two batches for...
L-R: 'Hunger' by Carle Griffiths, 'Nostalgia Pink' by Mandy Lynne, 'Blush' by Valerie Chua (Photos from Etsy.com) A Heart's Dance Watercolor and ink on cotton rag 14.8 x 21.0 cm Postcard art has and continues to be one of the more effective means of marketing one's art to prospective buyers. It's a trend that I've always admired (just look at those lovely postcards up there), but I've never seriously considered joining the bandwagon myself... until...