The result of a 3-4 hour break from studying: I used the stock of Faestock for this piece, she has such lovely stock photos! ...
Last week, I was scanning the crowded shelves of Booksale at SM Mega Mall when the gilded title of a certain green book caught my eye: Painting Acrylic Flowers A-Z. With no hesitation I tugged at the book until it pulled free from its tight wedge, and flung it open on my lap. It was love at first sight, my dear. Authored by Lexi Sundell, the book is a simple but thoroughly comprehensive manual regarding...
It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing. {Mother Teresa} I still can't believe I drew the one above; I think the immense amount of free time helped (this was done during my year-long break from school in 2008, prior to university); and I admit I cheated a bit (I used a grid for this one; I copied it from an ad in Dubai's Friday magazine); but still,...
It's always been my dream to hold an exhibit of my works, so, lately, I'd taken to painting on canvases. However, time doesn't really permit me to really do so, because for one thing, I'm absolutely anal with details, and it takes me, without exaggeration, forever to work on a painting because of that. Moreover, it takes me a while to mix my acrylics to get a particular hue, and then there is 'the mood';...
Nude Sketching: Attacking Models with Pencils
16:25 / BY Lavina
Last Sunday I was able to attend my first ever formal sketching session, and it was a challenging but absolutely thrilling experience. Organized by Valerie Chua and Feanne Mauricio (both so talented and so pretty!), the session was held at Arts in the City, a quaint, multipurpose art center that sits snuggly along 26th Street, Bonifacio Global City. It was a session for nude model sketching - which was why I, faced with the opportunity of...
So this is it, my first and hopefully official art blog! I'll try to update it as often as I can - given, of course, that I draw as often as I can; right now, my free time is being pushed over the edge due to the intense workload of senior year. For now, here's a peek at the paintings I've been working on (rather sporadically): My dad gave me cold pressed watercolor paper a...