
Five Winks

18:01 / BY Lavina
Five Winks Watercolor on paper 5 x 4 in Note to self: never use black for a soft image; it ruins everything :|  I randomly decided to do this small painting, and, for once, with no references - I'm so proud of myself, haha! I can pinpoint a whole bunch of mistakes, though, but I guess that's all part of the learning process. Someone once told me that I should paint more from imagination like...

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Our Mother Spring

04:53 / BY Lavina
Our Mother Spring Watercolor on paper 29.7 x 21.0 cm (Credits for references: AmethystDreams1987, faestock, nettle-tea) In line with trying out illustration styles, I came up with this painting. I altered the way I paint hair, and painted birds for the first time in my life - so pardon me if they look strange. Here are some WIP shots: I had fish in the original sketch instead of birds, but I scrapped them after some...

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OTC 2; New Classics

02:33 / BY Lavina
Day 2 of my One Thing Challenge (does it count if it's not daily?); I did this while watching CSI: NY... I kinda like how the side-view turned out, although I know I have much to work on.  In other news, I must share what I found in Kinokuniya the other day: an edition of Pride and Prejudice with a hand-painted cover design: Back cover, with a quote from Mr. Darcy; everything is just so pretty! Sterling Publishing...

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