It's done. Bells That Toll WinterWatercolor on paper23 x 30.5 cm (Credits for references: paganistic-stock, pixievamp-stock, and BimboBabe) I was going to name it 'Winter is Coming' but I thought better of it; I might get sued for copyright infringement, haha! Anyway, I really do need more practice with watercolor. Especially in painting skin, the skin looks absolutely horrible here, among other things. So, yesterday I bought myself a clear folder to store my small...
Watercolor Pencil Experiment
20:22 / BY Lavina
Eep, I suck at watercolors :( Hello, everyone! I mentioned in my previous post that I'd talk about watercolor pencils; the ones that I have (or borrowed, rather) are a 36-pencil Derwent set, one of my favorite brands of art pencils. Now, watercolors have never really been my forte (and I don't think they ever will be!), but I find these watercolor pencils easy to handle because they act just like ordinary pencils, which I'm already familiar...
Wow, I haven't blogged in a while, and I owe it all to the swirling black hole of stress that was finals week(s), which ended just today actually, with the submission of a poor excuse of a philosophical paper. Finally, it's sem break! I am currently about eight hours away by plane from Manila, in Dubai, the country of my childhood: Dubai, land of sun, sand, and shawarma. I'll be here for the entire duration of my...
I'd like to share a very recent experience I had concerning art and media; specifically, my internship for a local educational channel. As a requirement for our Visual Arts class, my classmates and I were assigned to Knowledge Channel, the only all-educational and non-profit channel in the Philippines, which aims to improve the quality of education by broadcasting its wide-ranging content through television to students of public schools across the nation. I can't even begin...