

12:36 / BY Lavina
AcuzarWatercolor on paper I thought I'd give painting houses a try, just to play around with different painting techniques. This is a relatively small painting, referenced off a photo I took of an old house at Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar (read the post here). It was quite perfect for practicing painting shadows and foliage.  I had no idea what I was doing half the time, but I loved every minute of it. I think...

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Capriciously Creative

13:44 / BY Lavina
I haven't been updating as often as I once promised I would, only because I've been thoroughly enjoying my new job. The work, the environment, and the people are just absolutely fantastic. I'm actually of value there -- and it's not every day that I can admit something as profound as that. I have been, however, working on paintings, though sporadically, just to keep the creative juice (what little I have of it) flowing. If you...

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