
First Landscape

by - 20:38

Ten Confianza
Acrylic on canvas
18.5" x 23.5"

Omigosh, I am finally done with this painting! *cry* This is, as I mentioned before, by far the first landscape painting and the largest painting I've ever done. It's a copy of a scene on a postcard that my grandmother particularly liked and asked me to reproduce; at first I thought of rendering it in chalk pastel, but it turned out to be such a mess that I scrapped it and began a new one in acrylic. 

The title is actually the first few words of the text written on the postcard, which says, "Ten confianza en el Señor y Él te dará lo que desea tu corazón" (Trust in the Lord and He will give you what you want in your heart [from Psalm 37:4]). I'm not sure how it applies to the landscape, but it's a beautiful quote. 

In the future I'd love to try painting en plein air, that is, open-air and on-the-spot, but I'm not if my methods will work; I'm sure I'll be too focused on getting details in that I'll end up painting a single scene for days on end! :[ This alone took me a couple of months, hence I'm so happy/ relieved I finally finished it! I just have to varnish it, then present it to my grandmother. :)

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  1. Like I said in Facebook: I feel like anything I type doesn't sum up how I feel about your painting. But this is truly beautiful, dear! Amazing! I really like how you pay close attention the the details, not only in this painting, but in your other works as well. Great, amazing, and beautiful job! Looking forward to more! Reserve one canvas/painting for me so I could hang it up in my future home, and be proud to tell everyone that the artist is one of my best friends. :)

    Don't forget about me when you get your own exhibit, okay? ;) Teehee.

  2. I have no idea how to react; you're so sweet!!! >:D< Thank you a million times over!! And of couurse, I already have a painting in mind for you, plus, you'd be one of the hardest to forget :> Thank you again!!

  3. this is really beautiful, I'm not into landscape paintings... but this one's a mighty exception ;)

  4. Thank you so much, that means a lot to me :D <3
